Just another day...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Annan proposes package of actions to staunch bloodshed in Lebanon

It is frustrating and devastating at the same time to see how impossible it seems at this present stage to reach some sort of settlement of the conflict in the Middle East.

Coming back from their mission last night, the UN high level envoys informed Headquarters that there are serious obstacles to reaching a ceasefire or let alone to reducing the violence quickly.
SG Kofi Annan's briefing of the Security Council, which I attended, gave a blunt assessment on the catastrophic conditions on the ground. For his speech and the proposed package of action please see the link http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=19259&Cr=leban&Cr1=

Tomorrow U.S. Secretry of State, Condoleezza Rice, is supposed to give a speech.
I will keep you informed.



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