Just another day...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"Why are you white?"

Throw in a British MP, a barrister working against the government on asylum and immigration issues mixed with the BBC domestic politics unit and some Indian flavored Birmingham sounds and you will have a delicious dinner out of VD’s kitchen. As for the latter, I hear only front-page quality will be on the Guardian menu from now on … If so, I’ll feature you right here on my blog.

Rest assured, the British NHS (National Health Service) is extremely likely to spice up any debate, as it remains a fervently contentious topic with the potential of splitting up British class society.
I suggest for our next dinner-party to tear apart London’s infamous Public Transportation, with a single tube ride now amounting up to £4 – yes, damn right, that is $8 and roughly €6, which makes it the most expensive transportation in the world. (Might this eventually turn out to be a unifying debate for England’s hopelessly class-ridden society?)…stay tuned!



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