Just another day...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Craigslist vs. Gumtree

What Craigslist is for New York, Gumtree is for London. Having gone through a speedy Craigslist crash course in recent years, Gumtree appeared to be easy play. Admittedly, my enjoyable success at Craigslist was turned into something of a more decent operation on Gumtree. And it happens to be just as victorious. Turns out to be a great catch and I end up in one of London's greatest boroughs in a gigantic (well, for London standards that is) Victorian terrace house with tennis courts literally only two blocks away. Seems as if I finally get to catch up with tennis after never having shown up at my scheduled tennis lesson at the tender age of 11. Lovely Notting Hill is a mere 15-minute walk away and one of my roommates is an artist-in-residence – what else can you ask for?!

Initial impressions made me sense a breeze of New York’s beloved Upper West Side mixed with the charm of the E Village. But I’m sure Queens Park is very likely to reveal to me its very own style and story.

So, what remains to be said is to call upon those who haven’t made it to London yet (or who I wasn’t able to host earlier due to strenuous master times) to jump over and join me for a cup of afternoon English blend tea or a glass of fine scotch whiskey. I'm up for both!


Friday, December 28, 2007

London 'tis

Who would have thought...!?
Who would have thought that after such exuberant gathering of knowledge into the workings of the global political economy Oz has not opted to save your world this time. Instead, I have decided that saving my own is an equally legitimate cause - a cause that brought me into the world of corporatism. Indeed, I'm going corporate ...but it shall be for the greater good -just bear with me. I’m both excited and anxious about yet another step into something that sounds highly fascinating and promises massive returns in terms of new experiences and perspectives. Significantly, the new job is taking me back to where the strepitous engine of scrutiny was ignited in the first place: the regal city of London will be your correspondent’s residence for the next future. And I’m delighted to continue my correspondence with you from this vibrant, ebullient world city and rejoin my beloved SOAS circle.

Keep it up!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Absent market forces

What the World Bank took so long to understand ...

The Agrarian Question

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bacalhau à Brás

Hey, hey….
Yes, I’m still among the living and yes, I made my way back to this very blog of mine. You have every right to accuse me of neglect and non-performance. But I have been performing on sites other than this blog. First of all, I have concluded that I needed a break from all these farewells and arrivals in my life. Yes, it is exciting and thrilling but only so up to a point when it starts getting exhausting. Both, our little SOAS-dream and London were sensational but also fatiguing. After having been blessed with my highly legalistically biased alliance in New York (you don’t have to understand this, but the persons concerned will) I was in luck yet another time as I have met one more family in big L-Town. As a result, this is in solidarity with my dearest B$ who seems to be caught in the merciless forces of the legalistic world of corporatism (Stand up for the lawyers! -10 self-cooked dinners are still on my treat). But this is also in solidarity with my lovely Mo, still on the hunt for a reasonably priced roof on top of her head in what seems to be the jungle of London. The latter was also what I needed a break of. I found it in a tiny little village in the Portuguese Algarve…
Incapable of putting its beauty and warmth into words, I just terminate by presenting to you some of my shots from what seems to be one of the most romantic places – and it goes without saying that this is in dedication to my fellows from “OdA” and sensual Lisboa.

Stay strong!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

In the making ...

Something is in process - not sure yet what it will be but bear with me - right here.

Monday, August 27, 2007

modern urban environment and london

The beauty of London as Urban Fabric!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

London has it all - but the sun!

London is spoiling us and we do more than deserve it:
Prince is handing out his new album for free in London with a tabloid, making it the first place to get the album ;-)
Prince Giveaway

On top of that London gathered today in Finsbury Park for the RISE festival jointly standing up against racism: RISE Festival

Sorry to the rest of the world...Ö.